
M. Schaffer, Music Artist



I checked my music MySpace page the other day to find 2 very important messages. One was from some company that liked my version of "A Milli" (which if you check out www.youtube.com/rescuedfella you can see me performing it live) and wanted to release it on a compilation album. Great news, right? The other message was from a SouthPawl Records, and independent record label based in Nashville, Tennessee. I was kinda shocked at what I saw. There was a greeting, and then the words "love your music!" The person who sent the message, her name is Denise and she's the program director at the label. They're just now starting out, their 1st release will be March 19. They have 2 other artists so far on the label, and they're looking for future talent. I was shocked that they came to my page. She gave me her address and asked me to send her a CD so she could pass it along to the A&R director. She also gave me her email address and asked me to email her and not to reply on MySpace. So of course, I'm excited. Very. Days later, I finally emailed the lady telling her who I was and was following up on what I should do as far as getting her a CD. Turns out, the A&R director himself replies to my email. I e-introduced myself (lol) and asked what kind of talent the label was looking for and what-not, and he gave me his physical address to send the CD to. My dream of becoming a recording artist seems just a bit more real now. I'm not signed to any label, but I definitely see the opportunity. I have to work hard, pray, fast, seek God more, stop screwing up and procrastinating if I want to see this dream come true, and walk in my true calling. I definitely appreciate any support and encouragement sent my way. I think I've surrounded myself with helpful friends who'll cheer me on and watch my dream come alive. Now I just need to get in the studio...

Schaffer, out.



Hungry, Hungry Hypocrites

(i wrote this just going along. took like 20 mins.)

Now I know, that some might not like this, some of you might even try to fight this, I encourage you to bite this, maybe delight in this, and search the truth in the lyrics you're bound to find some light in this... I notice hypocrites roaming the Earth, and would probably claim that they knew Jesus first, and some probably did, but the seeds that the sow in the field will hurt their seeds and I speak of the kids, so please grab y'alls lids and zippers, and close your mouth real tight, like a line in my raps or some fresh Glad Wrap, put your lies in a trap, and never let them out, practice on letting only spiritual things flow out your mouth... Haha, you can't tell me nothin', while you're sitting here drinking and puffing, basically bluffing, talkin' bout you gon' get some scripture to battle, you're up the creek without a paddle, on a high horse without a saddle, it's time to fall off like Whitney Houston we got a problem scriptures he's abusing, veil on his eyes, he can't see the truth 'cause he's a...

telling them lies, fooling with lives, he preach it sweet like pie, now ain't the time for no Hungry, Hungry Hypocrites, Hungry, Hungry Hypocrites...

Gotta give it to you though, you know some Word, main thing though, you need switch up your verbs, what you do in your private time, is definitely not glorying God, I know you understand... You're a man and you're dealing with vices, but it's kinda like rolling some dices, or dice, right? You're in your own limelight, but you're screwing up and can't get it right. Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid, if you're sinning, you're not one of His kids, ask I John, chapter 3 and just agree with me, not excepting to agree to disagree, it's either truth or not. So please drop it like it's hot, and that spot, get some Mr. Clean to clean to clean it, pray and ask God to start intervening, you can't do it on your own, no matter how it's seeming, and get back on the boat, let's be Jesus' Seamen, holla at me...

Tats ain't for Christians man, neither is sex, unless you're married, hmm... What's next? Spiritual neglect, not feeding the Spirit that lives inside of you, read and copy what other real Christians do. We pray, we fast, we read, we witness and more. Jesus Christ has abundant life and He is the door, I've said once that I'm knowing of the time and the score, so don't be surprised if my knees hit the floor. We can't be like the world, I know we're in it but we're called to be different, when they see us, they should see Jesus' image. Skip being independent, we need each other to help each other, so grab a hand of a holy man, or woman, no drama please, this ain't the O.C. we should be trying to be all we can be, in the army of the L-O-R-D, M-I-C told it as plain as it could be. I don't wanna be a hypocrite, help me Lord if I'm faulting in any of this, if I die and they look back and reminisce, let 'em say "He told the truth, and that fellow was saved and blessed." Yes. Sir.



sin wants me to kiss it so it can go tell, take it to the motel, it's pulling on my coat tail, of my blazer, it's about to get tasered, not by my power, but God's who's heaven's mayor. each layer, He's peeling it off, I just don't want that pink slip from my boss, I would like to be caught, fishing for men, gathering 10 to 20,000,000 instead of helping pack hell to the ceiling, sin is more appealing, it's like the apple with the worm in it, and God seems like that hunk of spinach, it just doesn't look right, but until you take a bite you try to deny it's helping you like it did Popeye. That's why I'm no longer trying to grab some thighs, and I ain't talking about a 2-piece from Popeye's or Church's, I swear I was the worst one birthed but I'm glad God showed me my purpose. Now it's just up to me to walk in it, no time to quit the race, if I can just finish, I'll be with the saints and there's no ending, to this bliss we call New Jerusalem, this is only the beginning.



Two Kinds of People

You know how they say "there's two kinds of people in this world..."? Well, they're right. Except they just never say what two kinds of people there really are...

There's two kinds of people. Saints and sinners. A lot of people might not understand this, as they have been molded into believing that there is a gray area. I'm sorry. There's only black and white on this one. Either you're in or out. Up or down. In bliss or in torment. There are the saints: the very elect of God, called and chosen. Picked out to serve God in gladness. Then, there are the sinners: the ones who simply do not know God at this present time. They may have before, and they may later on. How does one decipher between a saint and a sinner? Do all saints look alike? Do all sinners carry the same genes? Truth is... Yes. To both of those questions. And vice versa also. Some people would not agree, and for time sake, I won't get too deep into this on this blog. I'm at work. Unfortunately, but fortunately at the same time (I have a job, and get paid very good... I just wish I was in bed). All saints first of all, have a common spiritual accessory. Not to make it sound unimportant because without this, we wouldn't be saints at all. Every saint has the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. Simply put, if one lacks the Spirit of God, he is none of His (Romans 8:9). A lot of people are deceived (either by themselves or someone else) into thinking that they are the sons of God when they are truly and sadly not. At least not yet. Some people who are deceived think that everyone belongs to God. One thing I heard a lot growing up and still hear sometimes now-a-days is "We're all God's children..." I learned in 2008 that this is a lie. (I John 3:5-6) Paul also tells us in Romans that we are made free from sin. That is when we have the salvation experience (Acts 2:38). A lot of what I say in upcoming blogs will be disagreed with I'm sure, but that's fine. I'm gonna end this now. Who's kid are you? Spaghetti calls my name...



she's so.... sweet. sweet like candy, trying to be on my mind, while she's fine and dandy. our feet sandy, in my day dream, i dream of us on a beach being closer than our reach. she teach, i teach too, her main feature is that she's blood washed and tells the devil "i beat you." she's see-thru transparent, i'll have it. whatever she has to offer, i wanna sweep her off her... feet. this time she has on whatever shoes women wear @ weddings. (i had to stop rhyming to say that... usually my feelings rhyme) anyway this is to noone in particular, at least noone i know or am sure of yet, but i'm willing to bet, a million bucks that whoever it is, will call this thing bliss, while others might think it's puppy love we're in... she's my #2, her name's etched on my heart and we love like lovers do. this is a blog of a hopeless romantic Christian young man who has yet to have a chance to show that he really can... so. ya know. take one. and i don't mean a number, i mean a chance, son. of course i'm not talking to a dude, i might be talking to you... if i find it's you, i'm pursuing with no reservations, i might know you know, you might be filling out the application... ;) for Mrs. Schaffer. ha.
