Why I Don't #1: Drink/Smoke/Do Drugs
This is the first post in a series of posts entitled "Why I Don't". In these blog posts, I'll simply be sharing with you guys why I don't do certain things (Drink, smoke, do drugs, curse, go to clubs, have 10 million girls, etc.). I really just wanna shed some light on these things and why they are bad. And by bad, I mean detrimental to a Christian's immune system and relationship with God. A lot of people believe in the "once saved, always saved" system, when there is none. There is a such thing as being backslidden and having a reprobate mind. There is also no such thing as straddling a "fence". That makes no sense. Jesus said that you cannot serve two masters, you love one and hate the other. So, basically it's like this: Which one do you love, and which one do you hate? Having the best of both worlds is not an option. Also, I would like to say that I do not want anyone to think of me as judging them if they do these things. I call apples apples, and oranges oranges. I call it like it is. If I do any of this, then I'm guilty too.
In this first post, I'll cover drinking, smoking and doing drugs. I'm 23, and 99% of all my friends are in the same age group, so I see what people my age are doing, and sadly, most of them either drink, smoke, or do drugs. The worse part of the story is that most of them think that they are okay! The most common misconception is that it is okay to drink. Well, I won't call it a misconception because in certain cases like drinking wine is actually not bad. And this is a little iffy. I've talked to people and of course they're like "Well, I don't drink to get drunk..." And then the next day, you'll see pictures of them on Facebook on top of a table at a bar with the margarita glass half full (of half empty for you pessimists). Either way it goes, God wants us to be sober and think as such. ALL THE TIME. Of course there are instances in which people got "merry" at parties, and yes, Jesus did turn water into wine... But how much is too much? It is quite a fine line, and that gives one reason for why I do not consume alcohol. I mean, I might drink too much, who knows? So to avoid that situation, I just stay away from it. Plus, with the health problems that can come along with alcohol consumption, and things that can happen while one is intoxicated, I think that NOT drinking is safer than drinking. I know a few people who believe that their body belongs to them, when in actually, they belong to God. So, I say this even when I talk about tattoos and smoking, if it doesn't belong to you, then why deface it? Our bodies are designed so immaculately, and me personally, I'd really hate to destroy this beautiful thing that God has made and let me live through.
Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Romans 13:13-14
Last thing I'll say about drinking in this post (I think), when you drink (if you drink), why are you drinking? Is it to get your party on? Is it to calm your nerves? Is it to be sociable? Think about it... There are other solutions for any problem that you have. Alcohol doesn't have to be the answer.
In the drugs area, it works the same way. God wants us to be sober. Drugs are worse because for most people, it affects more negatively than alcohol. I've never seen people that just want to be high all the time. Smoke weed, do cocaine, whatever. And they do it for a lot of different reasons as well. But like I said, it all comes back to sobriety. God wants His children with a sound mind, not one that cannot think clearly. This is a trick of the enemy, and a way that he uses to control the minds of ones under his influence. One thing that comes to mind, and it is very important, is how Aleister Crowley wrote "The Book of the Law". Crowley (basically a Satanist and Freemason) wrote this whole book under the influence of drugs and demonic spirits. He channeled spirits and while he was in a trance, he wrote. And "The Book of the Law" was the final product. Weird, huh? There is a part in the book, where it says something to the nature of "take strange drugs and drinks". Now think about how hard it is for a person to quit drinking alcohol and using drugs... There is an addictive spirit in them! If you use drugs or drink, you don't have to... God is able to provide anything that you lack in your life with His love. I used to smoke. I used to drink. But God brought me out, and He can bring you out too.